The abbreviation for Pokemon Go.
I was playing PoGo with my friends.
Boring, straight-laced people... following all the rules with no backlash
Sitting in class with a bunch of bored-ass pogos right now, talk later...
an Obese person who eats junk food all of the time
Your BMI is obese which means you’re a Pogo and you need to stop eating McDonald’s and KFC
Alternative name for a firearm. More accurately describing a rifle but, as this is an uncommon hood weapon, is more commonly descriptive of a pistol. This is a rather humorous description as it is indicative of "niggas jumping up." Similar to other humorous weapon names such as glizzy, chopstick, or da' stick
Bout' a' make niggas jump caus' I'm blassin' out da' pogo.
When a guy 5.2ft guy asks his 7.2ft girl friend to hold him upside down and suck him off
Reverse Pogo. 5.2ft - “hey babe can you pass me that off the top of shelf then hold me upside down and suck me off?”
Babe - “yeah of course, I just need to wipe the rain off my forehead first”
in season one the last episode off the season is all ends well with a wishing well the gang is at a wishing well and tigger wants a birthday and so he has to make up for all the birthdays he missed and one of his wishes was a banana spilt and a pogo stick some other wishes where the moon and a root bear and a pb&j i think a submarine and a sea of green so pooh go to get the moon for tigger but then he falls into the well and enters a wish world then tigger piglet and rabbit trie to save him but they find a giant cake for tigger tigger is older than most people reading this and 65+ at least!then they escape by using the last wish and then tigger get a banana spilt!
guy 1:look a tigger with a pig a bear and a rabbit eating a banana spilt while boncing on pogo stick!guy 2:WHAT THE FUCK guy three i want a banana spilt and a pogo stick too!