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Secret Biggie

A girl who looks thin underneath a jacket, but when jacket is removed turns out to be fat

Secret Biggie is self explanitory

by mlke June 3, 2006

Polish Secret

A sex act where you go to a brothel in Amsterdam and a prostitute masturbates with a kielbasa whilst humiliating you

Prostitute: “Oh jä, you could never compare to zis Keilbasa
You: “Wait why is the prostitute German”
That’s the Polish secret ;)

by BłûėJüdę July 24, 2020

secret window

a sexual scenario where a man is having butt sex with his girlfriend in which she is facing a window with her hands on the wall, then he shiftily switches places with a good friend and runs outside to wave at his soon to be "very surprised that she is being banged by a random guy" girlfriend

David and John pulled off a secret window with Mary last night

by lil_jon_is_my_hero January 16, 2006

72👍 22👎

Secret shitter

A public bathroom that is accessible but well-hidden; a primo location for uninterrupted pooping.

"Dude, there's a secret shitter in the basement of McKeldin Library! I violently diarrhea'd all OVER that thing and nobody ever knew!"

by Henry Stockton April 25, 2010

13👍 2👎

Secret Smoker

Someone who decries smoking during the day, but at night loves nothing more than a nice menthol.

Kim was a classic Secret Smoker. She would lecture her kids about the evils of smoking all day but, come 2 am, she would sneak behind the garage and relax with a nice cigarette.

by Brett Burkhardt April 27, 2008

14👍 2👎

secret shot

Taking a shot of alcohol with a friend without letting the rest of the group know at a club, bar, and/or party.

Daniel was designated driver so he asked me to take a secret shot so he could get buzzed.

by headoutthegutter April 22, 2010

29👍 7👎

Victoria's Secret

Victoria's Secret is that she really buys her underwear from Walmart.

"Let's go buy some extremely overpriced g-strings at Victoria's Secret."

by lacey May 7, 2005

867👍 349👎