Source Code

Rat Thoughts

The code name for the theory that cat people control the world and view us as rats and if the ‘rats’ don’t change their thoughts about cats, there will be severe consequences. On the 21st September 2021, cat people will kill the ‘rats’ (people that don’t worship cats) by trapping rats outside and zapping them with lasers from rooftops.

Rat thoughts grrrr (code used by cat people)

by AfterSunGrrrrrrrr May 26, 2021

Thought management

Thought management is consciously realizing and choosing your thoughts.

Unconscious thought Boo hoo, I have no control over my mind.

Thought Yes, you have them.

Mediation Your really good at letting thought fall into the background.

Disagreements Your thoughts don't match my thoughts and you need to change my thoughts(cause i can't) so I can agree with you.

Victimism I consistently have no thought management what-so-ever but everyone else does they control my life, my pain and sorrow.

Okay, so your pushing some coke. On the one hand you are giving people drugs that are potentially very damaging to their lives, loved one's and subconscious. You could choose to think that you are a horrible person and are a bottom of the barrel criminal. OR. You could choose that you are providing a service and people would get their drugs somewhere else and you provide a high quality. Choosing thoughts is thought management.

by Though Queen. September 29, 2010

Thought crossed

When you think of two different ideas while talking or typing and they mix together to form a sometimes awkward or mixed prase that is off topic or confusing.

Just after finishing homework and about to make something to eat.

Person 1: Ahh finally, im done.
Person 2: Good now we can get on with this game.
Person 1: Just hang on a second, I'm going to go get something to homework.
Person 2: Wait.. what did you just say?
Person 1: Oh, woops. I was thinking about getting something to eat and putting away my homework at the same time.
Person 2: Yea...

Person 1: Sorry, i get thought crossed alot.

by Jagwyer May 27, 2010

thought nerve

An overwhelming urge to act on an emotional feeling. The phrase was inspired by a mondegreen of the lyrics of “It’s Nice to Have a Friend” by Taylor Swift.

‘Something gave you thought nerve to touch my hand”

by Greta Mondegreen September 22, 2019

thought expression

A thought which the thinker raises to a higher level by extracting it from his brain by saying it to himself and or others, verbally, nonverbally (such as by making a sound, a face, or a gesture), and/or by writing or drawing it. Expressing a thought also confirms to the thinker and those who are made aware of it that that thought was real, clarifies it, and makes it more useful. If the thinker or someone else records the thought in writing or in another way, it will not be forgotten and may help him in the future.

The following is an example of "thought expression". Carlos felt uncomfortable as the chair he sat on rolled away ever so slightly. Determined to do his homework, he attempted to ignore the feeling but told himself, "I felt it. I felt it," turned, got up, walked to the bedroom, and on his way there told himself verbally, "I felt afraid the chair would continue rolling and I would fall on the floor. That's what happened". With his feet on the floor and his knees bent, he laid back on his bed knowing that would calm him down. Knowing he is a hypersensitive person (HSP), he knew he could not deny his feelings because when he has, his body has given him some type of pain in his back, neck, or organs to remind him to not deny the things he feels. Today he also told himself, "Por algo...", to express his realizing that "God makes me feel the things I feel, for a reason."

by but for July 13, 2018

train thoughts

When you latch on to one thought, and that thought keeps latching on to other thoughts like rails on a train.

Bob: Why are you thinking about?
Carl: So I thought how I'm a pluviophile.
Bob: Yes...
Carl: It's cool how I love the rain and it's not calming though, however when you put the word phile at the end of it sounds predatory. It's odd to see how connotations can change the way people's perspectives are made up. It makes me think of many times I try to explain to someone about relationships, politics, or money yet they get turned off just by one word and yet have the nerve to tell me I need to be open minded.

Train Thoughts:
When you latch on to one thought, and that thought keeps latching on to other thoughts like rails on a train.

by McJcave18 November 27, 2021

cross thought

That annoying thought which breaks your original train of thought.

I think the main reason that traps are gay is because...sorry, what was I saying? I just had a cross thought.

by Trapsaregay January 7, 2018