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Sneaky Timmy

The pinky that a lover sticks up a partner's anus during intercourse / sex play, normally when insertion is not expected.

She was jerking me off and next thing you know, she slipped me the sneaky timmy.

by CBic February 12, 2010

Timmy Parking

Disabled parking, is a reference to Timmy in South Park

There's nowhere to park except in the Timmy parking spaces.

by ianstrain August 11, 2008

26πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Timmy Thick

A super thick gay boy who was actually a fucking 2 year Harvard social experiment.

Now that I know Timmy Thick was fake, 2 years of my life have been wasted.

by Mksaintsfan March 18, 2018

40πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Timmy Shimmy

A dance comprised of elements from historical and traditional Flamenco, paired with modern Irish Step Dancing techniques. Think Michael Flatley meets Antonio Banderas. The dancer is usually the most desirable European man on the dance-floor, made obvious by an unquenchable desire from the surrounding women to be his "concubine." Can also be used as a verb.

1. "From across the dance-floor, all the women noticed the unbridled passion of the Timmy Shimmy. Many approached to quench their inner fire."
2. "Did you see that?!? He just got Timmy Shimmied" (i.e. A women currently dancing with one man leaves to be with the Lord of the Dance.)

by HeWhoHasBeenSHIMMIED August 31, 2010

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Timmy Story

A Short Simple Pointless story

Kid: "One time i went to the mall and had to pee but then i saw a yellow sign that said closed but i went in and peed anyway"

You: wow what a timmy story

Tim: "one time i had a coke but then it tasted funny so i threw it out"

You: wow timmy

by Rob Knockout August 12, 2008

16πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Timmy Thick

The gayest niπŸ…±πŸ…±a you will ever lay your eyes on 😭. Basically he's some famous dude on instagram that acts like a thot for views. Not sure if all his chromosomes are accounted for, and his gender remains a mystery to this day. Timmy thick is the embodiment of autism πŸ’―

Person 1: "I like Timmy thick"
Person 2: "I never knew you had autism"

by HANZ_DRACHEN April 27, 2017

693πŸ‘ 299πŸ‘Ž

Little timmy

A name the everyone uses when they can’t think of a good name

I hit little timmy in the face

by Hi I’m little Timmy June 15, 2020

39πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž