Source Code

Clout Tokens

The amount of retweets you have from Four Pins.

Wow Jimmy really has four clout tokens?!

by th0mashart June 21, 2017

8πŸ‘ 52πŸ‘Ž

token black guy

The african american youth in teen films who merely smiles,stays out of the conversation and says things like "Damn!","Shit!",and "That is WHACK!"

Token Black Guy: Damn dat shit was whack!

by 0niTTRay December 26, 2003

2086πŸ‘ 304πŸ‘Ž

Beer token's

Money specifically used for the weekend or for beverages at your local pub or club

ye man i'l go out saturday i just got payed my Beer token's

by xxboi-cxx August 26, 2009

2πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

token dude dick

DAMN GOOD dick that makes you crazy and keeps you coming back. Typically this penis will belong to a girls β€œtoken dude”. 7-8 inches long is about token dude dick size. Bigger than a boyfriend dick (5-6in) and smaller than a vacation dick (9+). It’s just right.

Cindy- β€œBecky why do you keep fucking Brady, you know he’s a douche”
Becky- β€œHe’s got Token Dude Dick I can’t help it, i need it.”

by bipolarspacestonerbitch April 12, 2018

non-fungible token

PNGs and JPEGs that cost tons of money but does nothing

A.K.A scam

Person 1: Hey dude, I just made a red monkey Non-fungible token.

Person 2: That hits hard, gonna take a screenshot.

by FreeHongKong8964 December 9, 2021

40πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

token black friend

In reference to the only african american in a group of friends.
similar phrases
token white friend
token asian friend
..you get the point

(Brad) Hi Stephani
(Stephani) Hello Brad whose this?
(Brad) oh Im sorry this is my buddy DeShawn
(Deshawn) Whatsup girl!

....DeShawn is the token black friend

by Asian chick, August 1, 2007

108πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

token black guy

The lonley black guy in a big budget movie, who's sole purpose is to represent the "brothas" and say stuff like "dope", "yo", "what's up" and other words associated with UrbanDictionary.com :)

Every teen movie has em.

In scream3, Deon Richmond who played Tyson Fox was one.

by sk January 7, 2003

628πŸ‘ 181πŸ‘Ž