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tranny dagger

Unnaturally long artificial nails, usually painted a blinding neon color or sloppy French manicure, worn by transvestites or street walkers.

Yo, that hooker scratched me with her tranny daggers!

Her tranny daggers are so long she can scratch her toe without bending over!

by tdaggeryo September 1, 2011

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

tranny down

In the same vein as "man overboard," a literal interpretation of the phrase refers to a drag queen who has fallen to the ground. Its meaning has been expanded to describe any person who 1. trips or loses footing, or 2. is generally a hot mess.

Guy #1: "So I'm licking his-" *trips over rock*
Onlooker: "Tranny down!"
Guy #1: "Did you see Ryan at the bar last night?"
Guy #2: "Ooh. Tranny down, girl."

by Joshua H. September 9, 2005

35πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

Tranny fanny

A stanky vaghole that’s actually plastic cos that bitch is a lad.

Ew Tyler has such a tranny fanny!

by Parry grip February 3, 2018

20πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

tranny surprise

When you find out that the person you thought was a dude or a chick turns out to be the opposite. You find out they have a vagina instead of a penis. Therefore, you get a tranny suprise.

Vitale wouldnt show his dick so mary was getting a little worried. She caught him buck naked in the shower and finally saw why he was so secretive and abnormal about showing his dick. He had a little 'tranny surprise' downstairs.

by Barnabus.. May 12, 2008

63πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

Tranny Nanny

A transgender person, or a tranny, who also happens to be a nanny. This is mainly a woman who wants to be a man (sometimes vice versa) who cares for children. Being a nanny is a suitable job for a tranny, because their real gender could be kept a secret if he/she wants it to be. He/she may appear to be a cross-dresser.

Mrs. Smith: "I've become a little suspicious of my kids' nanny. I thought she was just a cross-dresser, but now I'm having doubts."

Mrs. Johnson: "You think she's a tranny nanny?"

by OhHeyYoo May 27, 2011

14πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Tranny Flush

When a dick is inserted in someones ass, whether male or female, and the "dicker" pees a load in the "dickees" ass thereby filling and flushing it out.

So I was balls deep in my girl last night and then she slid it in her ass so I pissed and gave her a good ol' tranny flush

by Carguycolorado December 10, 2011

9πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

tranny raid

Event held by transvestite where one gets "TURNT"

Person 1: "Shaggy was tryna catch a fade at a tranny raid"
Person 2: "Swank ass nigga"

by Sain7 March 9, 2014