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Verbal Diarrhoea

The product of a funny but drunk Welsh teacher. A term used to represent sisters, girls and people who generally have a loose jaw. Also a term for parrots.

Shut up! You must have Verbal Diarrhoea!
God, child have you got Verbal Diarrhoea?
God child, you've got the Verbal squits!

by Matress_of_evil January 23, 2005

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verbal diarhea

To say things without holding back. A constant urge to just blurt things out without thinking first.

That dude has a bad case of verbal diarhea, he's always embarassing himself.

by Shianne page December 9, 2007

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Verbal Strikeout

When somebody tries to either:

a. Tell a story
b. Say a sentence
c. Get a point across

but has to restart at least 3 times, you can call for a quick end to their speech by shouting "VERBAL STRIKEOUT". Three strikes you're out. The conversation must then make a complete shift and move on to another topic.

Guy 1: Hey man, last night was crazy, I was at a frat house and- well I was at my FRIENDS frat house then- but wait hold up- It might have been two days ago-

Guy 2: *rudely interrupts* YOU'RE OUT! Shut up now.

Guy 1: Wtf bro?

Guy 2: Verbal strikeout, duh.

by 1337 Fork April 21, 2009

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verbal celibacy

Verbal Celibacy (n) - When one person in a relationship buys the other person in the relationship some sort of gift with the understanding that this gift will cease any future badgering or bickering about mundane things for a predetermined amount of time. Usually done by the male for the female.

Joe bought his wife a new car but what he was really buying was some verbal celibacy for awhile.

Ever since I bought my girlfriend that ring, the verbal celibacy has been great!!

by Urban Articulator April 29, 2007

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verbal punches

To say things intended to hurt another.

I couldn't stop myself from jumping on her, She was throwing verbal punches at me since I wAlked in the door last night until now, I couldn't take anymore.

by know BODY March 28, 2015

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Verbal Spoon

An intense deep and meaningful conversation that has the emotional equivalent to an intimate spooning session.

M81: that was a great chat!

M82: yeah, best verbal spoon I've had in ages!

by Zing111 July 4, 2016

verbally shank

To issue a punishing put-down. Invented as a new substitute for "treat".

"You're dumb as shit."

by venomlash April 5, 2009