Source Code

Your dad went to the milk store

Fat pussy

Your dad went to the milk store

by fakdhjfsdkFdnsjkfds May 27, 2022

1๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

I went to go get a soda

Guy code to indicate that the user is going to watch porn.

Past tense: I went to go get a soda

Present tense: I'm getting a soda

Future tense: I'm going to go get a soda

Girlfriend: why haven't you answered any of my calls?
Boyfriend: oh, I went to go get a soda

Girlfriend: oh, okay

by WeKnow. May 26, 2015

1๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

evie farted on my plant then went outside to poop

Someone named Evie farted on your plant then goes outside to poop.

Evie farted on my plant then went outside to poop

by Eviepie January 28, 2021

went from aโ€™s to dโ€™s and so did my grades

going from โ€œaggressionโ€ to โ€œdeterminationโ€ in an environment of work and education :)

went from aโ€™s to dโ€™s and so did my grades, so now my โ€œaggressionโ€ turned into โ€œdeterminationโ€.

by trishlovesfish January 23, 2021

7๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

and then we went to the book store and bought some books...

A phrase added at the end of a meaningless story that has no true end. Often used on the fly when telling a story and the listeners start to loose interest.

It does not make the story more interesting or worthwhile, just provides a suitable ending point...

I was running yesterday and I saw this dog in the park and he had this really big head. Then I stoped at Quicky Mart and has a giant coke. I saw Bob and he told me about the concert next weekend so we went and got tickets. Later that girl from the gym called to tell me i left my watch at the counter, so I ran by and picked it up... and then we went to the book store and bought some books...

by Red Dog Leader May 14, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

She/he/div. went Puerto Rico on me

When someone goes Puerto Rico on someone or when someone goes to Puerto Rico during sex, it means that she/he/div. licked the other person's genitals-more specifically the other's person asshole, because the person goes singing "ay ay ay (Puerto Rico)" from the excitement.

-So, how did it go last night?

-She/he/div. went Puerto Rico on me.
She/he/div. went to Puerto Rico on me and I was like "ay ay ay".

by ChrisJohny May 20, 2021

2๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

You could have went all day without saying that

A sarcastic version of, "that wasn't very nice", "you shouldn't have said that", "ewww, grody", or "TMI".

Variant: You could have gone all day without saying that.

Did you see all those girls clustering around your ex? I've never seen him happier!

Just think! You could have went all day without saying that!

by Downstrike May 12, 2006

30๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž