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A way of saying yes, but to an embarrassing question where you are unhappy, and you have to say yes.

Person 1: Did you barf in the kittie litter?
Person 2: Yee

by TShulk January 4, 2017

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A somewhat odd, but applicable response of approval to a question or proposition. Supposing you were asked if you want to or would like to do something. Providing there are no objections or you would like to, you would likely say this in a form of agreement. This term originated from the low-budget Italian knockoff movie Dinosaur Adventure (by Dingo Pictures).

James: Want to catch up on that show you like?
Art: Yee, let's do that.

by WiseManSayWhat November 10, 2016

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It means yes

Alex: do you want to hang out
Other Alex: yee

by Z3ph24 February 2, 2020

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You've got a friend in YEEEEEE

by Your Excellency The Senate May 3, 2018

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1.A (not) dead meme with two dinosaurs

2.Slang for yes

1.Are you gonna ask her out?

by What_The_Bish_Lasagna March 9, 2019

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One of the best memes on the internet.

Autistic dinosaur: Baba ba ba baba ba baba! Baba ba ba ba baba!

Autistic-er dinosaur: Yee!
Autistic dinosaur is triggered.

by MentosMaster November 5, 2017

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A yee is a dino that is a goddess Yee!

"all hail de yee!"

by grnrthrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr June 4, 2017

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