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n. Delicious meat that comes from a pig.

v. Getting felacio

I jus got some of that good bacon from Edgar!

by Cera4Prez August 30, 2022


The best thing that has been given to mankind by the gods

mmmm bacon taste good mmm”

by SmolivYeah May 15, 2023


The yummiest food ever

I love BACON

by Bacon 4 life April 2, 2017


The result of intense piggy climaxes

Bacon is tasty

by Hello it is a Irish ☘️ someone December 16, 2019


delicious food that comes from a pig

me: i love bacon

by GryphonplaysrobloxYT February 5, 2022


Terrorist repellant.

Oh no! It's a terrorist! Get the Bacon

by Vital Organs May 15, 2018


Labia minora. The inner lips on a vagina. Some women have long labia that remind you of bacon. Bacon can be of many shapes and sizes.They are edible, juicy and scrumptious just like bacon.

Man that woman has the perfect bacon. They hang down about two inches. I love to chew on them. I love to stretch them. I love to put my tongue between. I love when they get slick and juicy!
I sure love my bacon

by RTNTN July 4, 2017