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Bluefield State College

A regular college that got chewed on and spit back up. Bluefield State is absolutely the poorest example of an institution of higher learning in the country... nope scratch that... the WORLD.

This is an institution of professors who are brain-dead morons, with IQ's of no more than 80 (yes, they're THAT stupid.) Students consider suicide, homicide, and both at bluefield (not because of difficult classes. Actually, exactly the opposite.)

Don't go to bluefield if they pay you to go. It's the worst experience and it makes people less intelligent. One student has gone here over an Ivy League (Yale) but picked bluefield due to financial issues.

Plain and simply, Bluefield wants the academic atmosphere of Berkeley, although it has the stability of the bermuda triangle.


by Stan.Ford.Grad.2013 October 1, 2012

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

post-college dump

Similar to the turkey dump phenomenon among high school students, the post-college dump is both similar and different to its younger equivalent. It is, sadly, a relatively common occurence, but for some reason it is not widely discussed.

Its origins usually begin around the last year of college, when couples who are in steady relationships realize that their lives are heading in different directions, i.e. their dream jobs are in different cities, both get accepted to different grad schools, or the older one graduates and the younger one still has a few years to go. The two lovers cannot bear to be parted from one another, so they agree to a long-distance relationship. It rarely works out, largely due to the same reasons as the turkey dump (new environment + new dating pool = wandering eye).

In some cases, one partner will make the ultimate sacrifice and drop out of their school or decline a job offer in the interest of being with their sweetie pie - which can lead to bitterness and resentment down the road.

Guy: I love you, college girlfriend. We’re going to be so happy after we graduate in Montreal, where I’ve gotten a dream job.
Girl: Oh…I wanted to go to grad school in Florida. Let’s have a long distance relationship.
Guy: Good idea.
(They do. Cut to a few months later)
Guy: Yeesh, I’m sick of having phone dates with my girlfriend while everyone else is going out for drinks. Plus, I want to talk to that hot co-worker of mine. I’m dumping my college girlfriend.
Girl: Damn post-college dump...

by awesomo1111 November 19, 2009

8πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Sweet Briar College

possiblly the greatest collection of girls in America and beyond. Known for beauty, class, and personality, these girls top those from all other schools, especially Longwood. As opposed to other college girls, Sweet Briar girls actually know how to get (and KEEP) men and not whore around on a daily basis. The girls, being from families of prestige and honor, take care of themselves, and because they always look breathtaking, are instantly hated on by other, uglier girls from "regular universities". Sweet Briar girls do not lie, cheat, or steal. They are prime examples of what every woman should strive to be. If you think our campus is beautiful, wait until you see our girls!!!

"Longwood to bed, Sweet Briar to wed"
Guys date girls from Sweet Briar College because they don't want they're dicks to fall off from LU girl's diseases

by MMFNKJ April 7, 2009

77πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž

college works painting

A company that seems to good to be true, and guess what it is. They claim all sorts of things arent true including, but not limited to: Pay, # of hours working, time alocated for jobs ect. The company lie's to the managers (aka "interns"), who then lie to the painters, and in the end nobody is happy. With The managers geting no where near what they are promised by the company due to equipment expensis employee payment ect, and the painters working rigorous hours to make a schedule that is set so they can make below minimum wage. DONT DO IT!

I was a painter and i got paid very little for hard work!

College works painting is crap

by Maciej SzczepaΕ„ski June 25, 2009

436πŸ‘ 381πŸ‘Ž

old college try

Giving something your best shot, even if you aren't sure how to do it.
i.e. Mrs. Victoria Landers' way of saying, "I haven't taught you how to do this, and even if I did, you wouldn't understand it. But anyways, here you go!" Attempting the "old college try" always results in uncontrolled rage and frustration rather than learning. This condition is only augmented by trying to find help in the textbook, "Calculus: Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic," possibly the epitome of a horrible textbook.

Mrs. Landers: "Just give it the old college try and you'll learn it."

Disgruntled student: "FUCK YOU MRS. LANDERS. I haven't learned shit all semester, and doubt I'm going to start learning by giving it the old college try like your whore ass tells me to." (Flips the bird)

by The Voice of the Disgruntled Students of 3rd and 4th Period January 8, 2007

441πŸ‘ 394πŸ‘Ž

Carroll Community College

Community college that is filled with failures and those who are expecting to go no where in life.

You may want to enroll in this school if you:

1. Smoke alot of weed
2. Think smoking weed is more important than anything else.
3. Mow Lawns for primary income
4. Failed out of WVU
5. If you don't know english
6. If you live in a trailer
7. Your parents don't love you
8. If your from South Carroll High
9. You just couldn't make it through career and tech
10. Your girlfriend is pregnant.

Yeah i got arrested for public intoxication, got my gf preggo, failed out of school, my parents stopped talking to me, so i mow lawns for money for the child support and now i got to carroll community college.

by sourtaint180 July 22, 2010

19πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

College Duh-gree

A highly overated piece of paper recieved by a student who completes four years or more of college with at least a C average in a specified field of study. Anybody with a pulse and a valid social security number can get one.

Mike: Hey I graduated, give me my College Duh-gree!
Dean: Here you go sucker, I mean future donating alumni.
Mike: Thanks, I feel superior already.
Dean: A Superior idiot maybe...I mean,uh,superior individual.

by m1z_w1z_11 September 2, 2005

55πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž