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The act of posting random, sometimes rambling nonsense or eruptions of garbled logic as a result of imbibing alcohol or other intoxicants.

"Sorry for my long post last night -- I had what I thought were some good story ideas, so I posted them on FB. Today, though, it appears I had too much wine and was just shit-Facebooking."


"Ignore Jacob's lame jokes on his page. I happen to know he had some buddies over last night and they were shit-Facebooking."


Shit-Facebooking is the new Drunk Dialing.

by dailywordnerd May 5, 2010

Facebook Cravings

When you have deactivated or deleted your Facebook account for a long period of time and still have the urge to create a new one/ activate your old one again so you can listen to others complain. This is common in Ex-Facebook whores. It is very close to Facebook Withdrawl in that you will sometimes not be able to function without thinking about liking or commenting someones status.

Boy 1: Dude, today makes a year of Facebook Sobriety
Boy 2: This requires a one-year facebook sobriety coin chip. Do you take Facebook cash?
Boy 1: Dude... Weak...

Boy 2:Haha Facebook Cravings.

by Dicktion Mastah August 5, 2012

Facebook hypochondriac

Someone who takes all sorts of stupid ass precautions to protect their facebook page against virus, phishing, spaming, and hijacking attacks.

This person constantly worries about getting viruses and likes to comment "SPAM" whenever you post links to videos on facebook.

Today, I changed my birthday, email address, name and I even deleted a bunch of freinds for no apparent reason in order to aviod getting a facebook virus. Some say I am a facebook hypochondriac.

by postitnotes June 30, 2010


When you or someone else have accounts on different social networking sites (e.g. Facebook & Twitter) but only ever go on Facebook.

You've been kidnapped by Facebook.

Guy 1: Do you have twitter?
Guy 2: Yeah..but i don't go on it, i got facebook-napped

Girl 1: Hey, why does Shannon never go on twitter?
Girl 2: She was facebook-napped

by sygirl5000 September 15, 2011


That state in which you're so incredibly bored that you actually choose to tune into the lives of those who share the same feeling via hit social networking service Facebook.

A: hey d00d, just going to click the 'ol home feed until something happens
B: wow, me too, how about that traditional Facebook-bored feeling

by Pseudointellectualcontributor May 17, 2010

facebook cutter

Once who uses Facebook to gain sympathy or attention by updating his/her status with depressing or self loathing comments

John: Did you see Christy's status earlier? I am starting to get concerned about her.
Kelly: She'll be fine once someone comments that they'll always be there for her. She's such a facebook cutter.

by The Great Felatio August 19, 2011

Facebook Spelunking

The act of commenting on or liking posts, comments or photos from two or more years ago.

Why is this photo from 2009 in my feed? Oh, he must have been Facebook spelunking.

by jubjubmacrub May 22, 2013