When you have a juicy thumb to stick in any gaping hole of your choosing
I hope Matt gives me the Kentucky plug tonight
The act of inserting your thumb in your partners anus
My girl came over last night and she got a Kentucky plug
A Sex act in which the performer inserts their thump into their partner’s anus and or vagina to stop major bleeding from rough intercourse or period sex
We went at it so rough last night I had to use the old Kentucky plug before she bled out
When you put a 50 BMG in her asshole and slap her ass with your thumb in her vagina.
When you tell her she's getting the "Kentucky Plug" tonight
When you use your thumb to plug a hole... in dire need of a plug.
It was leaking all over the place, so I gave it a Kentucky Plug, like Scott from Kentucky Ballistics did!
The sexual act of shoving your thumb all the way into your partners ass and going out with a bang. (SLAP required).
Scott: I don’t want to here about what happened after the party
Brandon: Well I gave her The “Kentucky Plug” last night
Scott: God dang it
When someone takes their thumb and shoved it deep inside a whole.
After a severe accident with a .50 cal exploding a Kentucky man was able to save his life by plugging his thumb in his neck to stop bleeding. After the incident many loving fans made memes in support of the man and his recovery. One of which is now the Kentucky Plug which seems to have been taken in many different directions...
My girlfriend said she’d let me do the Kentucky Plug if I didn’t bring up politics at thanksgiving this year.