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The Red Light District

Incredible album put together by the dirty south's sickest lyricest, Ludacris. Fuck that T.I. King of the South talk. Ludacris's 4th album off Def JAm/DTP

1 Intro
2 Number One Spot- An incre
3 Get Back
4 Put Your Money
5 Blueberry Yum Yum
6 Child Of The Night
7 The Potion
8 Too Much
9 Spur Of The Moment
10 Who Not Me
11 Large Amounts
12 Pimpin' All Over The World
13 Two Miles An Hour
14 Hopeless
15 Virgo

Here's a list of shitty rappers that many people regard to be better than Ludacris but are wrong:
Chingy- Faggot who should die for helping to ruin rap with his candy ass garbage.

Nelly- Another one who sucks dick, but, I give him props for trying new shit.

Cassidy- MAkes shitty girly joints like ''Hotel'', and ''Get No Better'' then expects people to take''I'm a Hustler''(His new shitty single look out for that) seriously.

Baby/Anyone on Ca$h Money- Stupid ass muthafuckas who also did a number on rap with their gimmicky asses with shit like ''Bling Bling'' A quer ass term that a bunch of stupid ass Suburban Old women think is funny, along with stupid other white people

Thank God for Ludacris

by Oscar January 4, 2005

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Kick the tires and light the fires

1. All the necessary steps before starting the MAIN step have been completed so it is ready to be executed. It is used if the audience knows what's the main step.

2. To set forth.

Coming from jargon of figter pilots, who use it when they are ready to take-off with afterburners ignition (lighting the fires) after checking the gear as part of preflight check (kicking the tires).

A: Boss, we verified the procedure and everything works flawlessly.
B: Great, let's kick the tires and light the fires.

A: Man, we've waited so long already.
B: You're right, it's time to KTLF.

by bocin January 20, 2013

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Light-skin savior complex

In almost all of Tyler perry movies he uses the light-skin savior complex where he like to make the dark-skin husband like look a monster and the light-skin guy look like a hero.

Why does Tyler perry use the light-skin savior complex in every movie he make.

by Ctrl December 10, 2020

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Light-Speed On My Dick

When you masturbate while on shrooms, and your hand moves to fast, causing you to see thousands of hands simultaneously jacking you off.

James: Oh man! I was jacking off on shrooms! and I looked at my dick! and it was... it was...

Farva: Light-speed on your dick?

James: Light-Speed On My Dick.

by Iamfarva April 25, 2010

TVA Light Bulb Destructor

A device which was invented by a 7th grader, but never made it into production.

This is a product in which a hydraulic piston affair slowly comes down onto light bulbs burning base-down in receptacles at the bottom of the machine; it's sole purpose is to destroy light bulbs while they're burning.

{From a website about phoney-bologna staged 'battles' -- usually amongst commercial & infomercial spokespeople, spokesanimals, and spokesthings}:

"Robbins then goes on the rampage...he finds what's left of that case of poor, defenseless, helpless light bulbs, carries it to the bathroom, and viciously throws each remaining bulb into the toliet -- being certain that each one impacts the bowl above the waterline to assure bulb breakage and simultaneously rather loudly shouting, "BREAKING LIGHT BELBS!!!" as each lamp implodes against the inside of the water closet with that loud "POP" and the distinctive tinkling of broken glass. After every sixth bulb, Robbins pulls down on that chrome plated lever at the top left front corner of the cistern, causing the busted bulbs in there to whirl down the shitbowl! Once the case is empty, he carries it out to the dipsty dumpster at the back of the Receiving Home, lifts the lid, and nonchalantly tosses it in.

Johnson thinks about building "The TVA Light Bulb Destructor" (something he drew up in the 7th grade, where a hydraulic piston affair slowly comes down onto light bulbs burning base-down at the bottom of the machine), but realises two fairly significant issues with building the asinine thing right away.

1: It would cost money to build -- a fairly large amount of it too.
2: The time necessary to construct such an evil device is more than the time Johnson wants to stay in this decade.

So that idea rather quickly goes to pot. "

by Telephony August 27, 2014

love the love light

loving what is to be loved or yet achieved or sleep texting your bro when a girl might be involved

Dan: she talks to me but i dont know if she loves me.
RA: hey bro love the love light

by Carmanator March 3, 2011

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Shitting Blue Lights

British saying to express great surprise and or fear.

the use of the words "blue lights" in this saying most likely refers to the lights found on emergency vehicles such as police, ambulance and fire service.

When they approach from behind at breakneck speed with their sirens blaring and lights flashing, you are often caught by surprise, this causes the fight of flight response also known as "shitting yourself. "

The combination of flashing lights as well as a fear response produces the saying "shitting blue lights"

There was a loud bang followed by a scream, i shat blue lights, and ran

When i saw the dog come running out the gate after me, i was so scared i was shitting blue lights.

Note* emergency vehicles do not need to be present for this saying to be used to describe acute fear or surprise.

by abominableangel February 25, 2013

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