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Your brother your mother

Possibly the most dangerous phrase since humans have developed vocal cords, above “your sister a mister” and “ your granny tranny”. Every time this is said the universe speeds up, the sun expands and god himself worries for his future

person 1 your mum gay
person 2 your dad lesbian
person 1 your granny tranny
person 2 your sister a mister
Person 1 your brother your mother
god *cries*

by @matwai_ on ig March 17, 2018

when ur mother is dumb


Hello u know i got B likewhen ur mother is dumb???

by February 20, 2022

Bonk your mother day

International bonk your mother day is where you get a stick, rolling pin or baseball bat and bonk you mother's knees.

Casey:“do you know what day it is today? ”
John:“no, why?”
Casey:“it's 'bonk your mother day'!”
John:“oh cool!”

by _Asher_ November 20, 2020

mother fucker am hill

A phrase used by lil Wayne to express how awesome he is

Mother fucker am hill. Meaning lame ass nigger look how awesome I am ..

by 2-Cool August 2, 2018

Pretty faced mother fucker

My girlfriend

Me:look at that pretty faced mother fucker

Her:aww love you too cock head

by Sexy beast 69 420 January 26, 2020

Mother Fucking Bitch Tits

Used to describe extreme anger.

-Hey, I fucked your girlfriend last night.
-Mother fucking bitch tits!!!

by ExanimateErika February 6, 2011

4👍 3👎

Mother's Special Popsicle

When a mother of any number of children removes her bloody tampon, freezes it and then serves it as a popsicle to someone.

I ate one of mother's special popsicles because Mrs. Johnson promised I could creampie her if I ate one.

by Evan Maxwell February 17, 2010

2👍 13👎