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emily walkies

A term used to express walking a dog by calling it after your sister


by Itsssmariaalmao December 9, 2018

Emily Driscoll

Emily Driscoll is the most amazing person you will ever meet. She is a bit wild and crazy, but she is definitely worth your time. She is honest and highly outgoing, and her heart seems to have a mind of its own. Men always go for her, but they can't woo her over if she doesn't want them to. She is smart, however, she isn't always wise. She loves music and theater, and she is GORGEOUS and she knows it. She has a perfect figure and amazing hazel eyes with so many colors in them, you can't name them all. It's impossible not to love Emily Driscoll.

"Who is that GORGEOUS girl over there playing the violin? I think I'm falling for her!"
"Oh, her? That's Emily Driscoll. And I've already fallen for her."

Emily Driscoll Gorgeous Loveable

by lillyjean January 4, 2014

Emily Rudd

The Hottest Bitch Alive 😩

Person 1: Emily Rudd is So fucking hot!
Person 2: I know right!

by ThAt.OnE.GaY.BiTcH October 27, 2021

Emilie Dine

beautiful sexy girl

god i want emilie dine so badly

by Satvik G Money December 14, 2022

Emily Louise

IS THE BEST PERSON EVER. She is maybe alittle crazy but really has it going on, SHE HAS THE BIGGEST ASS EVER. Better hold off boys. She’s very smart and doesn’t play when it comes to her friends. She has blonde hair and green eyes. She only likes black and colorful socks.


Other person: dude.. that has to be Emily Louise.

by January 2, 2023

Emily Bucio

the most beautiful girl ever on earth

Omg looks it’s an emily bucio 😻🤤😻🤤

by emily’s bf May 13, 2019

emily googoo

Emily Googoo is a songwriter who is in a band called “broken soulz” (“with a z”) she enjoys to write, as she said and her being in a band was one of her greatest decisions ever because she looks up to a band, and has been for a couple years and her pursuing one of her main goals is one of the best things in the world.

Go follow the broken soulz account on Instagram @brokensoulzofficial

Have you heard of Emily Googoo?
No, who is she?
A singer, she’s in a band!

by Niskam April 19, 2019