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A word used by northern b******s to describe something being dirty or filthy. This word is more commonly used in the North East of the UK, Middlesbrough, Newcastle, Hull etc.

that fooking cable is fooking ringing mate

by alwaysright118 March 3, 2022

madison ring

she is a funny, beautiful person. if you get on her bad side she will kick a bitches ass

"omg there goes Madison Ring"

by rrrryjhggytfd November 21, 2017

Wok ring

When your fiancé’s penis is the size of the engagement ring he got you (which is so puny)

Did you see her wok ring? It was so tiny I had to squint in order to catch a glimpse of it

by LittleCC November 5, 2021

Ring of Fire

(n) The ring of blood around your penis when you have sex with a woman on her period

My girl was being a bitch all week and I finally figured out she was on her period. So I fucked her and let her give me a Ring of Fire.

by foil7 December 11, 2021

Ring of fire

When a group of smokers gather in a circle to spark up in harmony.

-Yo wanna spark?

-sure let’s do a ring of Fire

by Issyyyy March 12, 2020

Ring of fire

When Dante is in the shower and Blake grant urinates on him while he is cleansing himself.

After the game Dante was taking a shower and Blake grant performs the ring of fire.

by Blakeybones January 14, 2018

Ring of Fire

A party game where the goal is to not ecajulate last.

Gather a group of mates, preferably two or more, and form a circle.

Place a biscuit in the center of the circle and basically start jerking off, aiming for the biscuit.
Whoever is the last one to ejaculates on the biscuit has to eat it.

Guy 1: Hey mate, wanna have a go at Ring of Fire?
Guy 2: Nah, mate, that's disgusting!

by iAmPilot April 30, 2017