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time goes fly

The state when one experiences something rapidly; the event when time flies.

From the primitive time, to the modern age--the futuristic society that we live in offers the best technology! Time goes fly!

by usmankh October 14, 2005

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flying cunt monkey

an extremely irritating person. Someone who is just so annoying that no sensible phrase will fit.

stop doing that..you flying cunt monkey!!!! you are irritating the fuck out of me!!

by Donna-louise January 3, 2009

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Flying Scottish Headbutt

When a man puts a condom on his head inside out and ferociously darts forward and penetrates his partners anus with his head.

My boyfriend dumped me as i performed the Flying Scottish Headbutt

by RawBwobwob July 1, 2011

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Team Fly Society

A group known as Team Fly Society, varies from different parts of Long Island. There music is one of the few reasons to still be living. In Centereach, they are known as THE COOLEST KIDS ALIVE. They are basically famous thanks to Kid2Fresh and his skills. Google them.

Kid 1 - You heard that new Team Fly Society song?
Kid 2 - Yeah bro its totally sick!
Kid 1 - I wish I was like them.... sigh.
Kid 2 - No one can be as cool as them so don't be sad.

by BKCardinals February 1, 2009

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anus fly-trap

When you put down a layer of toilet paper or a paper towel in the toilet bowl to prevent splash back from taking place when your planning on dropping some heavy freight. The weight of the freight causes the paper to fully envelope it and cause it to be consumed by the paper.

After I took a heavy dump, I tried to take a look at the damage, but the anus fly-trap had already consumed the evidence.

by AUsome January 14, 2013

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when pigs fly...

A statement made when somebody mentions the improbable.

Lame Person Who neithers Bathes nor Thinks- Duuuhhh...so when can I get your phone number?

Me- Oh, let's see...how about when pigs fly?

by RatchetBoo June 6, 2003

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Alabaster Flying Squirrel

when your younger sister is having a slumber party with all of her friends downstairs, and from the banister of the stairs you fire a load you’ve been saving since you heard of your sister’s Saturday night plans onto each of her friends from a height of approximately 8-12 feet.

Sarah had a slumber party last night and I gave each of her friends an Alabaster Flying Squirrel.

by yellowjacket34 March 27, 2008

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