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Like it? I lost my virginity to it.

It's a way of mentioning that you like that thing the most. When you really did like something very much for example a song or movie or TV show etc.

*your niggas are talking about a song*
you: murmuring the song;
nigga1: hey, you never liked it?
you: like it? I lost my virginity to it.

by redmattersite November 15, 2018

20๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

How The Grinch Stole My Virginity

How The Grinch Stole My (Virginity), The top secret Dr. Seuss book that he could never show to anyone.

I was woken in the night to a bumping, I lifted up my to head to see the Grinch a humping, I screamed but the Grinch gleamed with evil in his eyes... that was How The Grinch Stole My Virginity

by LordShrakman December 16, 2018

17๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sean tooke my virginity

When sean takes your virginity

Guy 1: Man I fucked jessica last night
Guy 2: i havent gotten any action since sean tooke my virginity

by lilcumstainshawty March 15, 2021

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national lose your virginity day

October 13th is National lose your virginity day.

Happy national lose your virginity day, letโ€™s celebrate.

by Bowlingball4955 October 8, 2018

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virgin 9 kids later

Heavy Evey is still a virgin, eventhough she been married for over 40 years.

how bout, my mother evey is still a virgin, 9 kids later.

by lj March 27, 2005

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Get Out of Virginity Free Card

A person who has expressed a liking for you, and who you could (If you are a Virgin) shag if you wanted to, but you feel that:
a) You could do better than that person
b) Don't particularly trust them to take your virginity
c) They're a slut/whore/slag

Dave: "Hey, Mike, How'd things go with you and Katie go last night? I saw you walking upstairs with her..."
Mike: "Haha, not much, dude. We talked for ages but I think she's gonna be my "Get out of virginity free card" for a while"

by Mallowman87 March 2, 2008

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January loose your virginity month

The name says it all you loose your virginity on January and you got the whole month to do so

Friend - When did you loose your virginity ?

You - On January because it was January Loose your virginity month

Friend - Wow i didnt know that ๐Ÿ˜ฏ
All terms of services mean that you loose your virginity on January and you got the whole month to do it

by Your guide man July 7, 2021