1. An overplayed song by Doja Cat
2. Adult Human Female
3. A Misogynistic Misspelling of Wombyn
Did you hear that song "Woman"?
Yeah, it's all over the radio
I was in the women's bathroom.
I am not a woman, I am a W-O-M-B-Y-N and I'm proud!
something that cleans dishes stays home and do all chores and rides dick
guy 1: make me a sandwich woman
woman 1: yes master
1- A person born with a vagina, uterus and XX chromosomes.
2- Adult or elderly woman.
1- Person born with a vagina, uterus and XX chromosomes.
2- Young, adult or elderly woman.
A adult female human that was born without a Penis and testicle
An unfathomable being who has the ability to create life and take it away. A woman is force that can take on many forms. She is the embodiment of the sunniest days and stormiest nights.
That Woman is ethereal in the way she speaks and presents herself