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Paul Smith

Born 13th March 1979 in Billingham, England.
He became the lead singer for the North East indie band Maximo Park in 2003.
He is noted for his original style and on-stage behaviour, particularly his dancing and handchops whilst singing.
He sings from his 'red book' when onstage, the inside of which few have seen; it contains his song lyrics, poems he's written and various diary entries.
He tweets under the name paulsmithmusic and released his first solo album, Margins, in October 2010.
He also performs with MeandthetwinS occasionally.

Person 1: Are you going to The Cluny tonight?

Person 2: Yeah! Maximo Park are playing!

Person 1: Really?! Can't wait to see Paul Smith, he has an amazing stage presence!

by northernangel January 31, 2012

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St. Paul

A stupid town in Oregon, that is really small, and promotes being a dumb hick and shooting mallards. Only known for the Nations Greatest Forth of July Rodeo! Also filled with rednecks that try to make up dumb words that make no sense.

Wow dont every go to St. Paul. Did you hear about all the dumbasses in St. Paul. That town call St. Paul is really small!

by Where it is! December 25, 2008

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Paul Canty

He has too much drip will steal your girl and wants to fight with his special stick

Paul Canty is stealing my girl right now
Really Paul Canty stole my girl last week!
Damn bro hes too cool

by ndnffkfmffm October 26, 2019

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logan paul

i see dead people

logan paul likes guys, cause his mom'sgay

by retardontheinternet March 13, 2018

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Jake Paul

the gay faggot that uses people for money and gets clout from it

jake paul asked me to be in his video then kicked me out of his house right after he just wants clout

by toesarecute March 9, 2019

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Jake Paul

A YouTube star. now most people say that Jake Paul is a complete dickhead. but he’s not, he is a nice, genuine person, he helps his fans a lot and I speak from experience. He is also really cute like WHAT. and no his whole fan base is not all 10 year olds since I am not 10.

I love Jake Paul.

by newell barney definitions November 5, 2019

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Paul Thomas

Paul Anthony Thomas (born October 5, 1980) is Good Charlotte's bassist. He started out on the guitar, but then,a friend influenced him to play the bass. Paul attended La Plata High School in La Plata, Maryland with Benji and Joel Madden. Paul has known Benji and Joel since they were young children, and fellow GC member Billy since he joined the band in 1994. Paul is originally from Waldorf, Maryland.

Paul Thomas is a plump guy in Good Charlotte

by bucknguyen May 2, 2010

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