Three really hot girls. They are the future of scene queenz. The best thing to happen since grilled cheese.
omg, i saw the scene teen queenz Raya, Jessica, and Diana at the show last night. i wish i was them.
30๐ 58๐
n. See DIRTY SANCHEZ. After the dirty sanchez occurs, the suspect proceeds to trash the victim's home. totally.
I gave the mexican bitch a Tijuana crime scene. She was crying.
21๐ 38๐
very confused with sexuality, likes screamo alot, looks extremely gay but other scene chicks dig it apparently. has no interest in any good music. is obsessed with the letter x. always claims edge and then breaks it. pretends to like hardcore sometimes so they can dance like dumbasses. sometimes some of them will claim to like death metal but u should never believe them becuz the death metal bands they like are deathcore and r scene as well. scene kids also will tell you their not scene and that they are just being themselves but that makes them more scene.
hardcore scene kid= a very high level of gayness, blessthefall, underoath, deathcore,
18๐ 32๐
A hood scene kid is a person who dresses scene. But, they are tough and can fight. Also, they have a tendency to talk in ghetto slang. Such as, 'yo, can i get a bogey?' They also have a tendency to get in trouble a lot.
boy 1: have you heard of nik hecktik?
boy 2: yeah, he's a scene kid.
boy 1: nah, he's a hood scene kid.
22๐ 41๐
I have read a lot about 'scene kids vs. emo kids' a lot lately and I have to say; You're all incredibly stupid.
Scene & emo both originate from musical influence however both became unfortunate fashion trends. Scene kids are not eletists with crazy hair and dumb kiddy shirts. Emo kids are not whiny, wrist cutting teenagers who hate life. 'Scene' and 'emo' are just unfortunate slang for trendy kids competing for attention. No matter how much we want 'scene' and 'emo' to mean what they use to it's time to accept that the youth of today have fokked up again.
So what are the true definitions of scene and emo? Well, they are certainly not referring to trendy children.
Scene vs emo Scene vs. Emo
45๐ 106๐
This occurs when guy that is titty fucking a girl shits on her chest just before he cums... he continues to trust back and forth getting the cum and shit all over.... ie a big mess. There can be numerous variations to this
When I was done with Jane she looked like a Tijuana crime scene. Then she mademe dinner. What a dumb bitch!
13๐ 25๐
a scene&eemo kid is just a kid that has scene and emo trends.. nevertheless some people might say that emo is a genre of music and not a style.. but lets just leave that out. Scene&Emo kids wear things that scene kids would wear and emo kids would wear, they're just not sure of what they are fucking make up ur minds! even if i cant make up mine..they like myspace alot.. but DONT have lines of songs in the screen names.
-A Scene&Emo kid might have his/her hair in various layers and like emo music a lot
-Wear bandanas either in their backpocket or on their neck, and dont kno how to hardcore dance.
-Talk all gangsta and shit.. but not even listen to hip-hop and rap
-Wear TONS of eyeliner and not have theyre hair in various layers, and not kno what being scene means.
-Have his/her hair in VARIOUS layers, listen to hip-hop, rap, use tight ass pants, and bands shirts (be in appearance scene) but be depressed all the time just like an emo kid.
-A Scene&Emo kid is a confused kid thats scene in style and emo in music or emo in style and scene in music...
-Not have even 100 friends but be scenece in appearance..
not saying that emo kids dont have friends just..
Ex of what an emo&scene kid would say...
Im totally gonna go hardcore dance at that show, eventho i like emo music to the core, im totally scene... oh wait.. i dont have friends at myspace, pshh wtv im totally a radilicious scene&emo kid.
29๐ 68๐