crying so hard to the point where you gasp for a breath of air. The pain is so overbearing you have to start forcing yourself to breath.
Raf: hey, are you ok?
Me: yeah im just gasp-for-air sobing
Leaving your underwear off while you sleep. AKA, giving the vajayjay a breather.
I'm going to air out the pocketbook tonight. I ran 10 miles today, the cooter's a bit sweaty.
English; San Air is the shortened version of its full name which is San International Air Lines.
French; San Air est la version abrégée de son nom complet qui est San International Air Lines.
Spanish; San Air es la versión abreviada de su nombre completo, que es San International Air Lines.
San Air is a fictional airline to maintain top-quality services for passengers since November 2017 (on Roblox) and ensuring that all staffs are well-recognized. Nothing will stop us by striving to improve. Economy Class is free onboard our flights. San Air was Founded on 16/11/2017 and the Callsign we operate with is SA.
French; (Google Translate)
San Air est une compagnie aérienne fictive qui maintient des services de qualité supérieure pour les passagers depuis novembre 2017 et veille à ce que tout le personnel soit bien reconnu. Rien ne nous arrêtera en nous efforçant de nous améliorer. La classe économique est gratuite à bord de nos vols. San Air a été fondée le 16/11/2017 et l'indicatif avec lequel nous opérons est SA.
Spanish; (Google Translate)
San Air es una aerolínea ficticia que mantiene servicios de alta calidad para los pasajeros desde noviembre de 2017 y garantiza que todo el personal sea reconocido. Nada nos detendrá si nos esforzamos por mejorar. La clase económica es gratuita a bordo de nuestros vuelos. San Air se fundó el 16/11/2017 y el indicativo con el que operamos es SA.
San Air RBX is a passenger airline (RoAirline) founded on 16/11/2017 which primary operates from London Heathrow.
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A person that controlls Airplanes
"Northwest 323 decend and maintain five thousand turn right heading 120"
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A person, usually on a construction site, who refuses to dress warmly in cold weather, and will only wear a t-shirt year round.
* Rusty walks by in a t shirt in -5 degree weather *
Mike: Hey, did you see rusty walk by in a t-shirt?
Lyle: Ya, I geuss he's the last of the fresh air boys
This can also can be used as a question to make fun of someone under-dressed...
* Two Dummies walks by in t-shirts *
Darren: Oh, you like that fresh air, boys?
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The air or a scent that is given off during sex, usually doggie style.
Susan and I had a great night last night. The sex was amazing but her "Throw it back air" smelled like sour fruit and hot spoiled milk.
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1.someone who shows off like theyre good at guitar hero
2.someone or some people who spontaneously pretebd to pick up and play guitar hero with a plastic guitar
When we played Almosy Easy by Avenged Sevenfold on RockBand2 Eddy who can't play the RB2 instruments started his daily dosage of being an air guitar hero
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