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lazy duck call

an expulsion of wind from the vulva during coitus; a vaginal fart.

Oh my god, i think that chick just had a lazy duck call.

by Achilles_Punx March 19, 2010

20๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

booty call list

A specific group in your phone dedicated to numbers that you would call late on a night to try to get a booty call. Sort of short for booty call call list. This may include hot or ugly girls - anything that will get the job done when desperate.

I drunk texted my entire booty call list last night. Rachel was the only one that responded. She's ugly, but, whatever.

by quignugget April 26, 2010

17๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

An Abyss Called Home

An amazing new metalcore band from southern California. Also reffered to as AACH.
They have an amazing cover of the song tik tok by ke$ha.

Guy 1: hey did you hear An Abyss Called Home is playing at chain reaction next week?
Guy 2: seriously? Those guys kick ass!
Guy 1: are you down to go?
Guy 2: yeah but I better see you slam dancing in the pit or else you aren't my friend anymore
Guy 1: dude... Harsh...

by HeyjohnWhatsyourname? March 10, 2010

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Call that right off

Basically it means not a chance is that true or stop fucking lying

guy1: I heard you fucked your male teacher
guy2: Well you can call that right off you sick fucker

by anonymous November 22, 2004

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New call of duty

That's it just shite

Fuck sake the new call of duty is shite

by ryank.main on ig November 24, 2019

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

your teacher called

when u bout to get an ass whoopin as your dad comes down the stairs with a belt

i walked in the door and as soon as my parents told me m your teacher called i ran for my life

by michaelphelpsgold February 7, 2017

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Call of Duty 4

Easily one of the best games of all time. The campaign unique, inventive, cinematic. The storyline itself is amazing. It takes you from flying into a smll middle-eastern country, to the radiation ridden mashes of Pripyat, Ukraine, to the mountains of Azberijiian and Russia. You fight as rookie SAS soldier "Soap MacTavish" and US Marine "Sgt. Paul Jackson" fighting terrorist soldiers and Pro-Soviet Russian Ultranationalists, ultimately ending in the head of the Russian rebels being killed, Sgt. Jackson dying shortly after a nuclear explosion, and nearly every member of the team of SAS operatives being killed.

As for the multiplayer, it has never-ending enjoyment and will not become boring, given any amount of time. Play online for fun and skill, don't show off by racking up points by using the M16 or Martyrdom and ruining the game for everyone.

The worst part, though, is Halo3 players and such bashing the game for being better. Halo 3 is a great game, but its multiplayer is frustrating and matchmaking tends to get linear and boring.

Halo 3 Player: ZOMG Call of Duty 4 is for noobs it sux and h@l03 4 t3h w!n lololol

Noob: Duuude! I am so good with the M16, it racks up the kills! And martyrdom is awesome too! Everytime I die, I get a kill!

Experienced player: If you werent a noob, you would know that the m16 is a nearly instakill gun, and therefore, unfair and annoying. Martyrdom doesnt require skill, and rewards players for dying. Fail.

by ThatAwesomeGuy17768 October 24, 2009

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