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Person 1: hi, im john
You: hi, im a noob

by emptydeepvoid December 15, 2020


Sanda is a big noob, he gets bullied by his best friend N3koPheonix.

like a noob

by ZoomerZ200 September 30, 2021


A person, that usually has recently begun doing an activity for the first time. People that can do the same activity better in general can give this title to people worse than them.

A noob has beat me with a cod.

by benix134*2 November 17, 2021


Noob means that you're not cool. If you don't like someone, a good insult would be calling them a noob.

You're a noob

by Ceceliuh November 8, 2019


Noob Is A Player Who Always Loses And Never Wins So Pro Players Call Them "Noob"
But It Can Always End With Karma :D

Hey Noob You Always Lose You Noob
The Noob: Says The One Who Always Rages When Gets Killed
The Noob: Ok .-.

by Aldriftclyde A Noob November 23, 2019


Jono the hardstuck plat 4 noob

man jono is such a noob

by MetalMatrix November 3, 2019


Someone who says they are really good at Fortnite when in reality they are actual booty cheeks. They are typically named Bryce, James, Jaxson, Hudson, or Dylan.

Hey Bryce and James, stop saying you guys are good at Fortnite. You guys are noobs.

Yo Jaxson and Hudson, you guys aren’t gonna win. You guys are noobs.

Dylan, buying v-bucks doesn’t prevent you from being a noob.

by BangBangBoogieMaster June 13, 2020