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The Kentucky Plug

A sexual position where both partners lay down in 69 fashion and penetrate and thrust into each others rectum with their thumb in the middle of an open gun range.

Did you see Dale last night? He told me that him and his wife did the Kentucky Plug last night! Not sure why he’d want me to know that... Actually it’s kinda gross...

by mrmusicguy206 May 20, 2021

The Kentucky Plug

the action of sticking thy thumb in your woman's behind. giving her better penetration than a SLAP round in a concrete sphere.

"what was the name of that amazing move you did in the bedroom? Oh The Kentucky Plug"

by dumbcunt333 May 20, 2021

The Kentucky Plug

When during sex with a menstruating woman, (or traumatic injury resulting in uncontrolled arterial hemorage) you jam your thumb in the hole to hold back the red sea.

"Man, Scott would be figgety fucked after the slap round if he hadn't deployed the ol' Kentucky Plug."

"Man, I got my red wings last night. It would've looked like a Kentucky Ballistics video if I hadn't pulled out The Kentucky Plug.

by Whistlin Dixie Normous May 20, 2021

The Kentucky plug

The Kentucky plug is the most popular sex position it’s where you stick your thumb in there pop hole the lady’s love the Kentucky plug

When you meet a girl that’s from Kentucky and she’s said I want you to preform the Kentucky plug on me you put your thumb in her pooper or in her cooter

by Harry cooter May 21, 2021

The Kentucky plug

When you shove your thumb into your significant other to prevent leakage after unfortunate pre-detonation

-Dude last night I gave Jessica The Kentucky plug last night...

-Brandon why?

-I didn't want to stain the seats of my truck.

by AK fanatic... May 21, 2021

The kentucky plug

Sticking your thumb in an orifice to stop flow or sexual pleasure

Give it the kentucky plug, just put a thumb in it

by BigmuthafuckinT May 20, 2021

The Kentucky plug

When you put your thum in her ladie parts. While she is on her ladie time and thum that shit good. So she stopes bleeding.

Last night I gave her The Kentucky Plug.

by BrandonHerrerasentmehere123 May 20, 2021