The Sudden realization of what one has created some time or immediately after its completion.
Man 1: Hey check out this thing I made
Man 2: Huh, that's...
Man 1: I know... Sick Right?
Man 3: Dude that's fucking wicked!
Man 1: Thanks man I've been working on this for a while now
Sometime Later...
Man 1: What, the fuck...
Man 2: Hey are you alright?
Man 1: I... I made this...
Man 1: What the fuck why did I make this
Man 2: Are you talking about the thing you made?
Man 1: Yeah man... Jesus Christ...
Man 2: Yep, that's Post Art Clarity alright
The next day after a massive night with the lads
Fuck off! I’ve got a bad case of Post Mate’l Depression.
A state of extreme and seemingly random happiness, excitement, and relief experienced after coming out as trans, gay, bi, pan, etc.
-Please note this is not an official term or anything, I made the phrase up to help explain to myself why I'm feeling this way. The experience is not made up, only the name for it.-
"Man, I've been feeling weirdly happy ever since I came out to my family"
"You must be having post-closet euphoria!"
Being so drunk, yet walking as carefully as possible. Its so drunk t is as if you are stepping in unseen holes with heavy staggering, massive dips and sways, side lunging and a lot of losing and attempting to regain balance.
Bob was so shitfaced when he walked from his car he was stepping in post holes for about 20 feet and finally did a face plant. Perhaps he should not have been driving.
The "high" following a bowel movement. The act of dumping stimulates the vagus nerve which sends a signal to your brain causing a euphoric glow typically lasting between 2 and 10 minutes. Can be shortened to PPE
I destroyed the toilet the morning after an amazing Indian food feast and had the most satisfying post poop euphoria.
After an amazing bowel movement I experience the best PPE, now I'm ready to tackle my day!
To hang out, to chill with friends
Im going to post it in the parking lot this afternoon with my homies
The malaise state one experiences after engorging oneself on panda express.
No I cant get off the couch and do that, I am suffering from Post Panda Paralysis