The illegal practice of copying a movie disk (DVD or blu-ray) and sending it back to the rental service immediately, then watching the copy later.
I don't have time to watch enough movies to make it worth it, so I rip and ship to keep the queue rolling.
To stick three soda cans up ones rectum
Damn that girl just pulled off rip
When your phone decides to play cringe music in the middle of class when you did nothing to trigger it to go off
Damn it, a Phone RIP got me detention again.
it means masturbating commonly used by the Scottish comedian
Kevin Bridges
There was a Scottish bloke just ripping the head off it in the hotel lobby.
similar to a riptide, but varies in the way that it's a hole that's been ripped from the inside.
When you are in the shower and stick only your head outside the curtain to smoke marijuana mid shower.
“Man, can you hold and light the bong for me so i can take a shower rip? my hands are wet.”
Where one person (Person 1) puts they’re anuses around the bottom end of a vape pen, and another person (Person 2) puts they’re mouth around the other end of the pen. Person 1 then proceeds to rip fat ass through the vape causing it to start vaping. Person 2 then proceeds to inhale the vape.
Brad: Yo dude, you ever heard of a Burnt Rip?
Chad: Yeah brah, its like our generations butt chug.