Times of emergency when the first things to fly off the shelves in the grocery store are bread, milk, and eggs
Is it any time between May and October in Oklahoma? You hear sirens?Looks like French Toast Season at Walmart!
when you eat something really spicy and your mouth burns
That Mexican pizza was like french kissing Hades
when a woman gets on her knees and proceeds to swap spit with a man's dick.
hey Girl, want to give me the ol' southern French kiss.
A blowjob
Hey babe, I’ll really riled up right now and would like some pp French kisses.
A foot job involving a scale model of the Eiffel tower in the ass and croissant in the mouth.
My girlfriend gave me a French bow tie last week and I‘ve been wearing a beret ever since.
the most genuine and loyal person ever.
she is sweet and caring.
she makes you so happy.
her smile is the most perfect smile in the world.
and she is perfect for someone who's name begins with M.
Sophie Mary French is the most beautiful girl in the world.
Where one person shits into another person's ass or mouth.
"I'm gonna tie you to the Radiator and Alaskan French kiss you in mouth"