When someone suffers from extreme bitchiness
She's got bitch-itis, she's a bitch to everyone
devin o
damn he gets mad bitches cause he gets bitches
When a person insults an individual.
Omg dude, TWILIGHT THAT BITCH until she cries :)
when a girl flirts with multiple guys keeps them on the hook well leading them on and slowly filters them out of her circle without letting them know till she's left with one.
I hate how that e-girl constantly plays bitch Bachelor I hope she gets fucking, cheated on
an alternative name for One Direction's Harry Styles due to his love of kale and his past profession as a baker
"of course that Kale Baker Bitch tripped over his gold shoes again"
When a bitch is drunk and yells at another bitch for steeling her man.
Person1: Did you see that fight last night at the bar.
Person2: Yeah. The screaming bitches since one stool the other ones man. Were crazy.
Person1: I know right!