The Place where you get a schedule for classes, girls are more hot than before, there's things you can do on stage, you can get more creative, some things start getting harder, and a bunch of more shit.
hey i have a crush on this girl in middle school
3 years wasted in your life. Could've been doing a bunch of great shit in those three years. You wake up at six am just to go to a place filled with the most fake ass bitches and some dumbass teachers who really think they know better when they really known. A shitload of homework and tests that you have to do and it won't even matter in the real world because some will decide to fuck it all and won't go college. Snakes aka the popular fake ass hoes would be snaking around, have a great obsession with Vans, vape, and fuck around with bf/ gf is real in middle school. Once your so called "bff" is friends with the popular dumbasses they would dump yo ass like a piece of shit. The best day of middle school is the last day of 8th grade.
5th grader: can't wait to be in middle school
Now a sixth grader: wtf was I thinking
a fucking waste of time it it is filled with stupid people you learn nothing that you use in real life
joe;did you go to middle school
me;fuck no
me;because of fucktardslike you
Where you start smoking weed while listening to Ice Cube before you become a emo stoner in High School listening to Elvis Depressed ly
Happens to everyone in Middle School
A shitty hell that turns you from an innocent, fragile 11-12-year old to a hardened, traumatized 14 year old. This place is full of racists and don't give a fuck about Asians, teachers don't do shit about bullying, 7th grade being the worst year in this school, and stupid relationships that last about 2 weeks at best. Physical strength and looks are crucial to have a better experience. Being Asian (like me) makes middle school harder, because 97% of people in public middle schools say "ching chong", "rice harvester", or "bat eater" at least once in the span of a day. Your parents lose their shit over you getting a 79% on your History exam, and claim that teens haven't changed since their generation, but they have. Popular kids can speak anytime they want, but normal kids can't speak without some degenerate saying "Who asked?". If you do anything normal, you will be known as an NPC, but if you do something different, they'll say: "You're not the protagonist". Like, make up your fucking mind. Overall, this place is hell, but a friend or two is enough to keep you from being mentally unstable. If you have no friends, you're pretty much hopeless.
Lunch Lady: Okay, whaddya want?
Me: A beef taco.
Some kid: Nobody orders that.
Me: I like it.
Me: Goddamn, chill. I'll get the burger.
Some kid: Everybody orders that. You're an NPC.
(average lunch line in middle school)
The place where you get your first kiss and also get depression.
Im in middle school