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middle school

depression galore kids are either in hoodies or crop tops and either popular ot a complete weirdo

time to go tmiddle schoolak .


by September 15, 2020

Middle School

Hell, but on earth and for 6th-8th graders. All the popular kids are there to make you feel like shit. also the bus. You have to share a bus with high schoolers and they just torment 6th graders. And everyone says the f word at least twice a day. Also the homework and they hate it when you sneak on a game on your laptop/chrome book (if your district uses those)

5th Grader: “I can’t wait to go to middle school!”
7th or 8th grader: “Are you suuurrrre you want to go to hell because that’s what it sounds like.”

by Swag-o-Cato May 22, 2018

Middle school

The best place ever for a child to go to...
Said no one ever

No seriously middle school is just the opposite of that

It is the living definition of hell

I can’t wait to get out of this hell house of a middle school next year

by Ihateschoolbutilovefood June 1, 2020

middle school

where you will get betrayed by friends, embarrassed in front of your crush, get involved in drama and then regret it, have a middle school dance and have your whole class obsess over someone dancing, your crush “dating” someone else, people in your class being “together” even though they ignore each other out of embarrassment, and last but not least, INSECURITIES!!!!

“omg, do you remember middle school?”

“Jesus, that SUCKED. my friends and i planned to buy an apartment in new york together. but after eighth grade, they were blocked on all social media’s.

by jasmineee_ October 20, 2018

Middle school

Where you have to choose who you are and not make an mistake or you will have weird nicknames or be made fun of all throughout middle school and high school and sometimes college if your lucky

Becky pees her pants on the first day of school in front of everyone two weeks later "hey pee girl" two months later "what's up per girl how you been" in high school "so pee girl what was the homework from last night" Becky hasn't been called by her regular name for ages the only few people who call her by her name is her family and THATS IT that is middle school for ya

by B.123456890😗 March 17, 2018

middle school

mean girls and hot guys

god i hate ppl in middle school

by hj difficulty driving May 1, 2022

Middle school

a living hell hole

emma: oh i hate middle school so much i want to go back to elementry its a literal hell hole

by nerdynerdnerd August 15, 2021