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Shit in a Waffle Iron and Call it Breakfast

When somebody tries to pull a fast one on you

Hey Rand, instead of getting Mrs. Butterworth Thick n' Rich® I decided to save some money and get this new Great Value Brand™!
Well Nance you cant just shit in a waffle iron and call it breakfast.

by Pork de la chop October 18, 2017

Shit on a stick

You're giving anal to someone and they shit on your dick
Every hole's a goal

Shit on a stick

by WeAreTheOppositeOfAwesome March 20, 2015

Shit on a stick

When you shit on a stick to make it into a lollipop.

Hey Brianna I heard you shit on a stick earlier today.

by KrispyJuicy101 March 13, 2022

Mx5’s are shit

Mx5’s are shit because they are overpriced lumps of rust and people only buy them because everyone else tells them to… they are shit

Bro why did you buy a mx5… mx5’s are shit

by 6n2_kixg September 18, 2022

Shit upwards

A woman so beautiful that would make a man shit towards the sky. There is no specific execution how to shit vertically.

It may require the man to point his hips past 45⁰ to assure the turd gains some velocity before escaping the rectum towards the sky.

"Had Aragorn chosen Eowyn over Arwen, he would be shitting towards the sky."

"The sun will see how I can shit towards the light, because nothing will feel as good as loving that woman."

"I am full of lust, and must have you beneath me. I will let my muscles loose so that I can shit upwards."

"Aragorn should be shitting upwards with this gal!"

by dogoodvillain March 25, 2024

shit shack

(1. When you shit so carefully and make a shack out of shit.
(2. The shack in your ass where soldiers of popcorn kernels, donuts, and fries live and attack your toilet or pants.

Dude, Tom Kenny's shit shack attacked his pants today!
My dog, 1978 Ford Pinto, shat so carefree, yet somehow made a shit shack.

by fartcheesestinkstyfour May 9, 2023

rainbow shit

Girls who wear ridiculous amounts of colours on their clothing. Play safe. Play black.

"Brittany didn't get the memo about always wearing black, it's 2016... She looks like a rainbow took a shit on her

"Yea totally a rainbow shit."

by UndercoverOrca March 7, 2016