when your bf kums in the backdoor and you put your fingers in it to smell it.
A shit that comes rocketing out of your ass at mach speed due to the excessive buildup of gas behind it.
I ate too much Taco Bell last night and was rewarded with a Bullet Shit.
If something "shames the shit" of something else, it is a slur on the object or person, claiming that they are very inferior to their creator.
You shame the shit from your father's arse.
One upmanship: "I went to Bali for a week" reply "sounds good, I just got back from a month in Europe" or "just had a shit" reply "man I just took 2 shits"
Oh no two shitted again!
To be told to shut up or stop talking about something; to be informed that ones opinion in something is not good.
“I hope Jose asks me out this weekend.”
“Jose? He’s gay, didn’t you know?”
“Sweetie, put that shit in the bag.”
the type of haircut that most asians have
me: hey look at that guy with a shit haircut!
A poop that is finished in under a minute. One good squeeze and she’s out.
Hugh: We don’t have time for you to take a dump, we’ll be late for badminton.
Frankfort: Chill...it will be a lickety shit.