Spend money like your wealthy (like a ball player) until you have exhausted all your funds
Tonight you gonna hit the club and ball out till you fall out.
== Noun ==
A "special" but rather nauseating episode of Everything's Rosie. It's where Rosie and her friends go and find out how old Oakley is, however what makes it nauseating is that EVERYONE's heads squish throughout the episode, and poor Archie the chameleon got thrown straight into a hollow tree.
When someone wishes upon an oak, they say "One, two, three, blow!" which causes their head to squish non stop. Over time the head will be so squishy the skull will have been fractured. This can result in having a stroke or brain damage. If no medical treatment is applied to it, the person would die from wishing upon an oak.
== Noun ==
Person 1: What are your thoughts on When You Wish Upon An Oak, the Everything's Rosie special?
Person 2: It was AWFUL! Their heads kept squishing! I'm NEVER watching that episode ever again!!
== Verb ==
Person 1: One, two, three, blow!
(their head starts squishing)
(Weeks later, the person's head starts squishing so much their skull is fractured)
Person 1: I knew I shouldn't've wished upon an oak!
Something that welon for some reason says because its funny :)
"i mean if you think about it its true that the earth is flat"
- welon
Chad slang for do you guys want to play Risk of rain 2? Except Mat, fuck Mat (also known as Matt).
"Did you hear? There's a slight...RISK OF RAIN, Yeaaaaaa!"
"please no, not again"
when you slay someone like have a good come back to something somebody said
it’s also from the song “Slayed” by Ayesha Nicole Smith
you just got slayed babe !!
A sentence not ever usededfdsodjfidjafos;n by peopl wen try say someone stoopid
Person 1: Why Are You So Stupid?
Person 2: Y r u Gae?
You are disorganized and unable to manage your circumstances. I wish I could help you but you wouldn't want my help anyway because you enjoy being busy.
"You must be busy". All the things that you are trying to do and its probably very hard. I am sorry. I wish I could help.