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Forest Hills high school

Apple bottom jeans boots with the fur, with the fur

Forest hills high school cool school also cool dudes

by Squid game November 5, 2021

Unity Secondary School

A school located in the west, the inside of the school is overall still okay but has little to no budget for anything, buying bottles and filling up with water and call it hand sanitizer, Most teachers are all guai lan especially the FCE ones and all the yp all in toilet vaping and minahs doing their tiktok dances ,the dm is kind but dont want to see his other side.

how unity secondary school is broke

by minahginayp September 25, 2022

rivesville middle school

a school full of assholes; teachers and students alike 🤞

i hate rivesville middle school and everyone in it

by meowcomeandgetitbaby November 23, 2023

Hartsville High School

Hartsville highschool is full of druggies. We don’t recommend attending hartsville high school if you don’t want your head to get bust. The hoes will eat your meat in a heart break. Straight out bad school

Attending hartsville high school was the worst decision ever

by Richard1900 March 30, 2023

corinth high school

A school with a bunch of hookers and crackheads. The educational justice system is fucked too.

" my school is so awful. It's just so Corinth high school"

by PandaKitten6901 September 29, 2017

Clearwater Fundamental Middle School

Clearwater Fundamental Middle School in Florida. Located in the heart of Clearwater also known as the smart kid school. The school is for kids that are higher than everyone else, primarily made for the kids that have no friends or so-called "gifted". School is full of drama and Turama. Band Teacher looks like she can stroke out any second. Orchestra Teachers couldn't put up with their stupidity anymore. Their clothing items are rather questionable. Bought with daddy's money, Practally dressed like nuns. Half of the school's parents go golfing on Sunday. 90% of the school look like they are straight out stereotypical movies shown on Disney in 2016. If you find a girl and you are interested in her you have two ways this can go. Either she adds random guys on snap or she will ditch you to read a book in the park. Guys have ant size brains can't find it if you look for it. Can promise the will live with mommy forever. Is equivalent to Satans lair. Rules do not make sense if you wanted them to. You either get a really good teacher or one that talks about plants all day and makes you throw all your work away before the Eoc's and tells you for the rest of the school year we are going to plant some trees. Almost every person carries a book in their hands. Forgot to mention that we don't have any sports. The principal is useless. Horses are about to sprout from the ground. News show gives you a headache every morning. If you go you have a 50% 50% shot of having a good experience.

Look at that kid carrying a case-it binder. I am sure he goes to Clearwater Fundamental Middle School.

by Darla and Ricky September 7, 2021

sparks middle school

A trashy school in Reno Nevada with annoying hoes and tons of fuckboys.

Sparks Middle School? You work there? Ew!

by Virgo_jo October 16, 2019