it’s national hug your girlfriend/crush day! make sure you do it, you won’t forget it!
“hey babe come here *hugs”
girl: “what was that for?”
“it’s December 7, remember?”
The last month in a year and the date someone was born
my birthday is on December 7
National hug a girl day
- hug the most beautiful girl you see today
Boy - *hugs a girl*
Girl - what was that for
Boy - Its December 7
Girl - *butterflies🥰*
National slap your short friend day!
Tall friend: *slaps short friend*
Short friend: Hey! Why did you do that?!
Tall friend: Its December 7th
A truly epic party where at least seven glasses end up being broken.
NB: Only glasses that end up broken through organic drunken mistakes can be counted towards being qualified as a 7 glass party, any deliberate attempts to break glasses in order to increase count could potentially lead a party goer to be permanently classified as insane
Tom: How was the blowout last night Peter?
Peter: What can I tell you man, it was a 7 glass party.
Tom: Ah man, missed out again.
Then George Washington said “Tax this d*ck”
Politician: We need more taxes
Redneck: We don’t need to pay more taxes that’s dumb
Politician: Yes we do give us your money!
Redneck: bro haven’t you ever read boogalations 7:4?
Give someone whos birthday is on this day MANY PRINGLES AND ANIME SH!T!!!!!
Person: it's 7 April today.. MY birthday
Them: :(
Person: hand them over!
Them: *hands over pringles and anime sh!t*