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Why use boring Latin alphabet to write letter H, when you can flip it sideways to form fence like structure as ancient Egyptians did?

Huge hits have historically harbored hidden hazards, hysterical hordes hardly heeding how habitually heaping honors hyping his Holiness, Harry Harangue-Hatcher, hollering, "Hip hip, hooray! Hail Hypertext Highway's happening hack!" heavily heightens his hedonism, hubris, head hugeness -- harsh harbingers hurling humanity's hardiest hero hellward, hereafter helming his hapless human husk haunting Hades's hallmark hot haze, heckling Halloween's hideous headless horseman (hefting his hollow head), harassing Hitler's hired Holocaust henchmen, hassling ham-handed helicopter handlers -- hopefully, hypothetically, having hardcore horizontal hugs holding his horny, high-heeled hourglass honey (he handily helped hang her hemp Hawaiian hammock), heartland's "happy" housewife humbling hotel heiress Hilton, heinously having hated her husband's horsey hee-haw "hello," his hundred horrible hay howls hammering her homicidal; however, have heart, huddled hint hobbyists, hearkening how hallowed hieroglyphs hurtling hence harmonize hypnotically, heaven's harps highlighting how hyperactive hippocampus hockey heaves hilarious harvested hash -- healthy herbs healing hungry humor hankerings.

by MAHBOY99 August 17, 2022


A replacement for "pog" "bruh" or "cringe" depending on the context. Pog when positive, bruh when negative, and cringe when cringe. The creator of this definition seems to be YouTuber Teal Golem- Gaming (aka TGGARGM)

Pog Definition:
Person 1-"Yo dude I just won the lottery!"
Person 2-"h"
Person 1-"h indeed"

Cringe definition:
Person 1-"This person just punched me in the arm!"
Person 2-"h"

Bruh definition:
Person 1-"I just got robbed"
Person 2-"This is a certified h moment"

by tealyt March 14, 2021


Everyone defines this word differently, so heres my take. Typically a person that thinks of fake scenerios and conversations, they usually deny any accusations about how they feel & feels like they have very few real friends would use this letter by its self.

Pronounced like how you would breath after running.

Me: H

by P1nx__ December 5, 2023




by Me11oh1 June 9, 2021


h are creatures found in (most) online documents. Do not fear if you confront an h in the wild, they are mostly passive. Some people have managed to capture an h, and use them for computer keyboards. h have a special ability where they can supply infinite amounts of themselves, making them popular targets for many writers. h will try to escape captivity if not treated correctly. h language is known as hish (aech-ish). h use this to communicate amongst other h. It is best to restrain yourself from talking aggressively to them, as they are easily angered. This will result in their attempted verbal abuse of you, possibly backed up by other h. I hope this has given you a better understanding of h.

And here we see a wild h, stalking its prey.

by Epicbird March 23, 2022


A widespread meme came from the guy name "Random Typek" on his youtube video titled "h".

Person 1: h

by chrissie_lol September 14, 2021




by Arsonorsomething April 12, 2021