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If he cant break bread he fake

When someone (usually your friend) doesnt want to share something with you, you say this and now they have to give you it or else they’re fake

Originally said by LA Capone in a freestyle

Guy 1: “Aye bro lemme get some chips
Guy 2: “Nah bro they’re mine”
Guy 1: “If he cant break bread he fake”
Guy 2: “Alright fine bro i’ll give you some”

by sikbone November 16, 2022

Break you off somethin proper like

To provide an action or service (good or bad) in the servers best of ability. It can refer to a sexual action from male/female or harmful act using excessive force.

Girl let me come over there and break you off somethin proper like. ....you know what I'm talk'n bout...

by SkippyTheCrimeDonkey February 21, 2010

36👍 12👎

take it off before I break it off

A threat aimed at someone who is touching you in an uncomfortable or aggravating way.

guy 1: Look, just cuz the hottest girl in school dumped you doesn't mean anything. *puts arm around guy 2*

pissed off guy 2: Take it off before I break it off.

by Keith Hutch. September 24, 2007

20👍 6👎

National break Celeste’s toe day

November 9th is the day that if Is acceptable to break Celeste’s toe.

National Break Celeste’s Toe Day: In physics class, Jack decided he would trip Celeste and break her toe.


2👍 2👎

I'm up against a hard break

When your wife, kids, or boss are arguing with you and you want to end it. Signaling the conversation is DEFINITELY OVER.
Used frequently by news anchors.

Wife: Baby, you know that trip I was talking about and the car I wanted, and the dinner party you said you would go to?

Husband: Sorry hon, I'm up against a hard break.

by spudsNbuds February 2, 2011

3👍 9👎

break my finger (off) in his butt

(When one's offer of help has been rebuffed) to take offence and therefore actively endeavour to worsen a situation.

I tried to help Brian out, but he was just really rude to me. So I decided to break my finger (off) in his butt. Bloody bastard!

by TaNeaGrafika April 19, 2008

7👍 2👎

shut face before I break face

A command demanding that one is quiet or else one will have to use physical violence to ensure quietness.

"you smell"
"shut face before I break face"
"you smell"

by Dennibel February 18, 2004

19👍 10👎