When you are feeling sad, but you're always feeling sad.
"Hey look there is Tim"
"No don't talk to him he is casually depressed"
Sudden depression occurs when you're literally just minding your own business and out of no where - a wave of depression slaps you in the face. No body knows why this happens but I assume it's just a mental thing.
"Idk how I got depressed man, sudden depression I guess"
Currently over 3 million people in the US suffer from money-depression. Over %25 of people in the US have at one time suffered from money-depression. Usually money-depression is alleviated when someone suffering from the syndrome publicly attacks someone of a higher social standing.
Charles: My extreme money-depression has led me to sell my summer house, dear chap.
John: Fuck you, I have fucking $20 in my bank account and two eviction notices taped to my door! Go to hell and die you Brit Money-anus!
The traumatic realization that every girl you have had intercourse with is a nasty whore, and that every interaction leading up to and during the act was a waste of time and energy. Those who suffer from Post-Coital depression are usually attractive and presented with plenty of sexual opportunities.
Summer : Hey, what's wrong with Morty? I thought he was finally happy now that he's popular.
Rick : He finally hooked up with Jessica and is suffering from Post-Coital Depression.
End of the School Year Depression is that time around the end of May and until the last day of school. It’s a terrible feeling because you know you hate school, but you are used to seeing the same people everyday, every class has a different personality and you feel like you will miss that class because you may not have anyone in it next year. It’s worse if you have a crush. You don’t know if you have any classes with them and it sucks. But, the good news is, it goes away really fast.
I’m gonna miss the people in my class. I’m suffering from End of the School Year Depression.
Principled people feel an unshakable, deep depression set in when the wrong politics is winning in their government or culture.
That person is “politically depressed”.
After xyz won the election, I’m in a haze, daze, and/or stupor. I honestly feel politically depressed. In the clinical sense of that word. He’s been in office for YEARS and I still can’t shake the deep depression that has set in.
Passive-depressive(noun): The state of being passively depressive
"I'm not saying I want to kill myself, BUT GOOD LORD ALMIGHTY do I want to kill myself!! HAHAHAHAHAHAH this a joke. see how its a joke and not me being genuinely suicidal isnt this hilarious??? ahhahahagahahahahfuck"
"... bro quit being passive-depressive and admit you need help for the wellbeing of everyone around you please"