The act of going harder than ham
You think you went ham well Im going bacon.
When you catch sperm in your hand and shout "go spidey" as you throw the sperm in your partners face
I did a go spidey on my dad last night... I'm now homeless
a word i heard people say in South Carolina meaning to take a shower or get cleaned up
yall smell that?, somebody need to go wash
the act of becoming aggressive with inanimate objects.
"He's going schieler", I yelled, as I watched my friend Bill kick the sh%t out of the vending machine over a pack of peanut M&Ms.
ebonics for "god-damn". Spoken in agitation or awe in reference to something or someone.
1) Tha' souty right the' thinks he so go' 'amn hard, boy.
2) Whoo that hoe got some go' 'amn ounce in her trunk.
different way of saying “it’s time for bed”
its 9:00, go nana’s.
3👍 1👎
Telling a lie, exaggerating, fibbing.
Did you hear him? What a liar? Man, he was Going to Tuzla all night long!