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Euphemism for the popular online slang term "Epic", a word that is often used in alt-right circles.

"Jerome was grounded by his mom for atleast a month after that incident with his feminist aunt"

"Oh my, really? What did he do?"

"He used the E-Word"

by HighFunctioningLobotomite January 28, 2019

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word off

(1) A brief competitive verbal exchange between two or more individuals. One individual attempts to outdo another in his or her use of the English language in the most ridiculous manner possible. (2) Phrase used to cut the tension by an observer during an intense verbal assault.

When Stephen was insulting Ariel's "Run for the Cure" bracelet and Ariel tried to fight him, Meg tried to cut the tension by referring to the altercation as a word off.

by Sarah1983 July 27, 2007

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the z word

can someone tell me what the fuck the z word means, i saw it on a tiktok about black people saying to white people they can’t say the end word but then the white person brings up β€œthe z word” what the fuck

white: n****
black: you can’t say the n word

white: then you can’t say the z word

black: what?

by torieatsass July 6, 2021

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The b word

The b word can mean a lot of things

1- bitch

2- boyfriend

3- baby

4- bikini bottom
5- bye

These words all start with a b

If you think I’m wrong then you’re a b. You decide which one I mean

That b word made my sandwich wrong!!!

I just saw my b word hug another chick!!! He’s so dead!!!

Spongebob lives in the b word

If I walk out that door, I’m not saying the b word

by xx.yung.dagger.dick.xx July 27, 2018

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Word Burglar

Peoples whom burgle words

"I'm the word burgler, i burgle words"

by Reggie Regg December 22, 2003

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Bad Word

Ass,Nigga,Fuck, Bitch,Pussy,Dick,Crap,Shit,Vagina,Penis,Asshole,

You The bad word is a frim language which you only use if angry

by Bic Pencils December 12, 2018

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word vegan

a word vegan is a person who doesn't say any bad words, even things like crap and stupid. See word vegitarian and word carnivore for more info.:)

She got mad at me when I said she was stupid because she was a word vegan.

by a word vegan April 27, 2008

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