Having sex with a stripper name Candy. Going to a Stripe Club. Having sex with a stripper.
Lets go Candy Crushing. Sure what time?
A crush you develop on your plug. It is overwhelming and it will feel like a soulmate connection at times. However, it is one sided and you're just an addict who feel an immense gratitude for their dealer.
I don't love Cody, I just love his coke, I have a plug crush on him.
It's funny how my plug crush died out once I got sober.
This is the day you can kiss your crush and not have any regrets. This is on March 8th.
James: can I lips you
Mariah: erm why
James: cuz it’s Kisss your crush day
When you are in a zoom and someone catches your attention and becomes a source of infatuation. This is usually accompanied by blowing up their square so you can gaze lovingly at them during meetings.
He's my square crush.
A day where you ask your crush out on July 25th
Alex: Hey, isnt it July 25th?
Karen: Yeah it is, why?
Alex: Well its Ask your crush out day 3, will you go out with me?
An opportunity girl use post a picture of a woman they admire on instagram. Gaining favor with the woman in question and also adds to the possibility that someone might mistake the picture for her and gain som followers at the same time. Widely popular in the fitness and bodybuilding community. Users ad the hash tags #wcw and #womenscrushwednesday
I nominate Dana Linn Bailey for my Womens Crush Wednesday because she inspires me! #wcw (And has a lot of followers)
An opportunity girl use post a picture of a woman they admire on instagram. Gaining favor with the woman in question and also adds to the possibility that someone might mistake the picture for her and gain som followers at the same time. Widely popular in the fitness and bodybuilding community. Users ad the hash tags #wcw and #womenscrushwednesday
I nominate Dana Linn Bailey for my Womens Crush Wednesday because she inspires me! #wcw (And has a lot of followers)