nipple booger: the crust formed from dried colostrum leaking from your pregnant girlfriend’s nipples.
Girl i love those beautiful big boobies but you need to clean off them nipple boogers.
Also known as "titty cheese" or by its medical designation, "mammarial smegma", nipple boogers can originate from a variety of things, such as:
- dead skin clumped up on an unwashed areola
- curdled breast milk
- a crusty puss flake dislodged from an infected nipple piercing
Generally, nipple boogers are discovered when sucking on a big 'ol succulent titty.
"I was lickin my girl's nipple and a nipple booger flew into my mouth. I thought it was lint at first, but it was crunchy on the outside, and juicy in the middle. I immediately threw up."
When the hair on your chest, above your nipples, is so long that it forms a drape, covering your nipple.
His nipple drapes were so long that when I shit on his chest it formed dingle-berries.
His nipple drapes were so thick, it looked like he was wearing a sweater.
1. A None/ unknown lactater that produces SYNTHETIC milk.
2. A male to female breastfeeding
3. A person with a large areolas and a taco 🌮 meat upon thy breast.
This petty nipple ass bitch is breast feeding this damn babydoll!.
" No she didn't try to show off that flat ass chest with her petty nipple ass!
A group chat establishment by one of the Paul twins , a group full of humour and tradegy, and lastly a group that can stay longer than ur hairline, This is brown nipple supermacy
Brown nipple supermacy is a sexy group
When your nipples are crusty and start to peel. That is nipple powder.
"Did you hear about john's nipple powder?"
"yeah it peels like my dandruff!!"
Plastic protectors with suction used to protect the nipple. Comes in all sizes for any gender.
Boy: What are those on your breasts?
Girl: Oh these, these are Nipple Nobs
Boy: Where did you get them?
Girl: I got mine from the old guy behind the elementary school.
Girl: Oh, and don't forget to keep your nipples safe!