A holiday you celebrate with your Jew Friend!
Oh Adrian happy national Jew day
March 31st is National Mikhail Day. Grab your Mikhail and say thank you
Today is National Day. YAY!!! Thank your Mikhail on National Mikhail Day
on this day (february 15th) you can spend all day looking for someone's address and pull up to their crib and circumcise them and no one can stop you
federico: hey guys i found out today is national circumcision day, how about we circumcise our friend shitical
justin: Ok let's do it
National hug someone day it’s 2nd of June if you see your friend or someone random hug them
Go up to them and give them a hug for national hug day
National send it day falls on May 29th. It is a day where no matter what you have to send it, doesn’t matter what it is just fucking send it!!
Ayy bro it’s national send it day
National Doctors Day
National Doctors Day is October 16-25 and it is when you call and thank your doctor for everything that he/she has done for you. Your doctor will feel appreciated for that please make your doctor proud 🙏🏻 .
National Doctors Day is amazing and you should make them happy!
Happens October 30 it's when u take a picture of your dick and send it to the person who sent u this if your brave enough
National Dick pic day means taking a picture of your dick