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twinkie queen

Someone who loves Twinkies (aka dicks) but does not like the creamy filling (aka sperm).

Just because you don't like the creamy center doesn't mean you can't like the Twinkie.

You are a Twinkie Queen because you will nibble on any Twinkie just long enough to get to the creamy center and then stop snacking.

by Crystal the Twinkie Queen April 25, 2014

a queen laugh

A beautiful laugh that makes you smile

Samuel told lexy on the bus today that she had a queen laugh

by BBQ please May 10, 2017

Dairy Queen

The one place that is consistently out of ice cream, food, napkins, water, and power

I was going to Dairy Queen, but it was out of everything.

by prohibular May 5, 2016

Dairy Queen

A ice cream place that any 7 year old kid will beg you to get for him.
An expensive as hell price for any of their products.


by wat027 January 13, 2022

Dairy Queen

A gay man is made a Dairy Queen when a man (or men) ejaculate sperm into a small circle on his head, eventually resembling a crown.

Derek shivered in anticipation as his friends carefully made him a Dairy Queen which only the strongest of shampoos could ever take away from him.

by HamB4clam October 7, 2019

Ratchet queen

Ghetto people that get thier income taxes and feel like queens, especially spending on hood rat crap, going to restaurants flashing Thier income taxes, feeling superior for that short duration of time or as long as the money lasts them. especially found during February -april. Income tax season. More profound in the south, especially Haywood county in TN.

Omg she's being a ratchet queen spending all that on her self and not on her 5 kids.

by Wisesheep February 18, 2017

Queen of dogecoin

I have become the queen of dogecoin by choice.

When all of my children retire when I'm the queen of dogecoin I can finally rest.

by Nunuska May 23, 2021