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synonym for "cool"

you're so book!

by supercalafragafuzz April 23, 2010


a object who is a dictionary but was renamed to a book

Person 1: look is that book from bfb
Person 2: mmmmmmmmmmmmmm stfu

by donotcancelmeorelse September 24, 2022


old tech that was used to entertain but has been lost thru the sands of time where now we use something called the internet

how do i use a book

by dickfacejr March 11, 2019


The word that shows up in a text when the texter, using T9, attempts to write "cool" but fails to press shift.

You: "I'm coming by your place later"
Them: "Okay. Book"
Them: "Oops I mean cool"

by Heyitsa August 18, 2008


a collection of paper that most people get shamed for liking

get out of urban dictionary and go read a book

by ARoundBox December 13, 2021


A bunch of dead trees, binded together with artificial chemicals, and having random black ink scribbles that form patterns and words. This is what a book is, not a work of art.

Blake: Want to read a book with me
Hannah: No, there's something known as the Internet

by Blake+Hannah February 27, 2018


A large paper document in the office that has a short lifespan. The reason? Nowadays, as more offices go the "paperless" route, documents are scanned electronically and the originals discarded and shredded. Often, a "book" has several portions, each portion stapled, quite a nuisance to remove in order not to jam the electronic scanner.

I hate getting a book with a hundred staples in it---it's the bane of my existence at my office when I scan it in!

by pentozali October 16, 2012