The Finish Line - is a metaphor for success in the completion or accomplishment of a good deed, goal, or task. It is based on the concept that life is a journey, but your journey is a personal race, struggle, and the good fight to cross the finish line and receive your reward, medal, degree, decree, policy, process, procedure, or crown. Used In the writings of The RhymistGift and The Consummate Transitioner, based on the Bible scripture 2nd Timothy 4:7 (KJV).
My son crossed the finish line, he graduated from high school. She crossed the finish line in receiving her Master’s Degree. It was an arduous struggle, but Congress got the bill on climate change across the finish line. The only way to cross the finish line (have success) is to keep running your race and do not ever stop or give up!
When someone cuts the track on forza
Oh look it took the B line again
Nope. I told you not to do that. Called it fault adjacent.
Hym "I mean there is a pretty consistent through-line..."
The act of refusing to completely remove your pants before intercourse, instead choosing to pull just your dick out through the fly. While unnecessary and ultimately painful, this is a common practice used by Fuckboys, and guys who Vape.
Went on a date with Ashley the other night, things heated up pretty quick and I didn't even have time to get my pants off, so I Zip-lined her!
The sexual act of tricking your girl into closing her eyes long enough for you to put the hook from your fishing pole through her pussy piercing. Bonus point for yelling, “Fish On” or “This is a big one”.
If she got a pussy piercing, you need to hook line and sink her.