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Crackeritis is a thing or "condition" that is used to describe people who are mixed with white and something else and tend to appear light skinned/pale.

person one: dude are u white?

person two: nah man, just got crackeritis.

by HomoForMyHusband May 12, 2022


When a white person eats too much food and gets tired so he has the itis

My wife made a whole bunch of food that I ate on super bowl Sunday. I ate a whole bunch of it and I am white so therefore I have crackeritis

by The new meaning guy February 8, 2021

Gram Cracker

Gram cracker is a meaning for instagram

The Gram cracker saw my photos first

by ASTREER$ April 4, 2016

Gram Cracker

An awesome grandma.

Yes, She is my gram cracker.

by Christopher Ferry May 12, 2019


Gramaw + Craker. A racist, old, white person. Works for Male and Female.

Betty Brown is a Gram-cracker that wants Asian-Americans to have more Americanized names that are "easier" to say. Good luck, Betty Brown.

by stinkystee May 18, 2009

cracker jack award

A satirical recognition of honor for any sports official who demonstrates poor judgement (or none at all) in their officiating of a game; Nominees typically make poor calls, one-sided calls, or no calls at all during game play.

"And the Cracker Jack Award goes to the center referee who failed to call a penalty against the goalie who picked up the soccer ball after her own teammate passed it to her."

by NJSoccerMom June 16, 2014

cracker lacquering

A verb to describe a white person (only white) repairing or rigging a broken object in a precarious or janky way.

A thoughtful and non-offensive replacement term for n-er rigging for people no apart of the black community

Can be said as cracker lacquer, cracker lacquering, or cracker lacquered.

“Hey bill my trailer just broke down, gah damn. I can’t take my broke frigerator to da dump.”
“Don’t worry Terry, I’ll just get to cracker lacquering this son-a-bich and get er to the dump.”

by Bigpoopooandbigpeepee January 13, 2023