whether a fwb or an fbltr is considered devil-worship by the standards of sexsciology or immb is irrelevant; only historical time will tell.
immoral and/or amoral behavior
the Unforgivables don't care because they are there to protect business and private property, and medical research facilities are owned and operated by big pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer.
son: is using animals in medical research in medical lab settings considered devil-worship?
father: to the people who are passionately obsessed with animal rights, yes; to most of the civilian population and to the Unforgivables no. If you want to know more, go take a medical ethics course at McGill University in Montreal.
son: is marijuana smoking considered devil-worship?
father: to the Unforgivables, yes, to most of the civilian population, probably no.
immoral and/or amoral behavior
son: is rejecting G-d considered devil-worship?
father: to the people who don't believe in the separation of Church and State yes; to most of the civilian population, probably no.
immoral and/or amoral behavior
son: is using rats in medical research in clinical and lab settings considered devil-worship?
father: to the people who are passionately obsessed with animal rights, yes; to most of the civilian population and to the Unforgivables no. the Unforgivables don't care because they are there to protect business and private property, and medical research facilities are operated, maybe even owned by big pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer. The civilian population doesn't seem to care because medical research has done more good than evil. If you want to know more, go take a medical ethics course at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.
Immoral and\or amoral behavior, ioho, i.e. however one chooses to define the terms 'behavior', 'immoral', or 'amoral'
the fact that an fwb or an fbltr relationship is devil-worship to some is irrelevant; imho each individual should decide for themselves whether or not that type of relationship is right for them.
immoral and/or amoral behavior
son: is using animals in medical research in medical lab settings considered devil-worship, according to the Unforgiveables?
father: to most of the civilian population and to the Unforgivables no. the Unforgivables don't care because they are there to protect business and private property, and medical research facilities are owned and operated by big pharmaceutical companies like Pfizer. to the people who are passionately obsessed with animal rights, yes.If you want to know more, go take a medical ethics course at McGill University.